yay~ this is the giant cat and the girl. XD
i always want to adopt a cat as a pet/ friend or even a new stanger to live with me...
but the truth is, no one agree with me.. =-= Argh...

but as you can see, i can't get a full and nice picture of the drawing..
forgive me for my k800i cam lens. Orz...

even i did took a full pic, my hand was shaking... forgive me for staying up late again... +-+....

something that i like... which i haven't do for so long Already... - to color something.( although it's still in black and white.. ==) it's like living in the world of art without color, and ruins. and it's sad to not put color for them, but somehow, i feel like i have to be sure to do better before i'm doing it.... Orz.. but am i thinking too much, or it's just an excuse to stop an endless night to begin? @@ lol..... i'm weak in self-control. True.

the person in the drawing.. hmm, u know who is that if you knew~ XD
all i say is, it's a special person to me. ( which is still very blur with it )

i just love the feeling when i'm draw something like this, like, self-torturing. yea...
it's hard to look inside the gal's eyes, with those sadness, and cold-ness.
and that's what i'm trying to deliver . XD

and now, finally with some more colors! back to basic, Crayon! X3 i always love the super stand out , brightness that crayon shows. X3 and there's a natural feeling in it. woodiness~
and that's why i've bought myself two lil box of crayon! XD like the 1st time... those old crayon just don't works anymore...

Testing testing..
i imagine a red eye liner in my hand~ <3
add to wish list!! haha...