me and Saru..on Ruby's cam! XD

Saru and Ruby, at the beach~ ^^
Nothing much changed in my life recently...( a shorter hair cut perhaps~ )
nothing changed means nothing happens.. how dull can be in one's life.. Orz..
however, here is some happy moments~ ^^

the time i finally went to the beach...
and found out that we can't walk on the sand with bare foot anymore... cause it's blocked...


opposite color...


a photo that i like it even much after edited... ^^


a photo captured at the beach... love it..
it's almost dark ..

1st time ever~ to help Saru make up and styling hair~ X33 <3
she's sooo cute~ XD

Friendship~ XD SARU a.k.a Jinny, ME, Ruby

lol... it's been a while since there were friends surrounding me, that's why~ hahaha...

and this is a used clothing shop i've been visiting recently... ^^

black and white~ XD
and i finally had my hair back to black!!! not really black, it's DARK~~~~ lol
since i surprisingly found Ai Yazawa's drawing printed on like 11 boxes!!!
and it's hair dye products! Of Course i can't resist.. and the hair dye session...
me and Ruby helping each other.. Oops...
sorry for my super deadly face...

my Ai Yazawa's collection~ ^^

and so... Qiong k session~ <3
a happy week~ love y'all my friends~ <33
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